Tristian Dorchaidhe

"In the shadows of our past, we find the light of redemption, for even the darkest night holds the promise of a new dawn."

Basic Information

Race: Elezen ~ Duskwight
Nationality: Ishgardian
Age: 32
Occupation: Inquisitor, Chief Medical Officer of House Kane
Affiliations: The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine, Lumina Obscura, House Kane


A man of enigmatic grace and stoic demeanor, veils his past beneath layers of mystery. A scholar at heart, he delves into the arcane and alchemical arts with an insatiable curiosity. The poetic cadence of his speech, a reflection of his love for literature and verse, adds an ethereal touch to his interactions. Beneath the composed exterior lies a soul burdened by the shadows of his Inquisitorial past and the haunting encounter with a Voidsent, yet he endeavors to channel his experiences into wisdom, offering healing hands to those in need while guarding his own scars with silent strength.


Rumors circulate about a mysterious chamber where Tristian delves into the occult—curiosity beckons those who seek forbidden knowledge.Nightly walks through the grounds of House Kane often find him engrossed in a book about Tales and Folklore under the moonlight—a peaceful encounter awaits for those who share his love for stories.Frequents the Forgotten Knight, nursing a glass of whiskey and open to conversations ranging from war stories to the intricacies of alchemy.The icy winds of Coerthas carry whispers of an otherworldly presence, beckoning Tristian to investigate reports of spectral figures haunting the wilderness.Seeks those who practice the arcane focusing on its deep mysteries while also looking to improve his skills with a blade should one seek to spar.


First and foremost, I’d like to mention that I’m happily married, and I’m here to enjoy collaborative storytelling with fellow roleplayers. I don’t mix IC relationships with OOC relationships outside of friendship.Roleplay Preferences:
• I’m open to both long-term and short-term roleplay stories.
• I enjoy a wide range of themes, including adventures, investigations, thrillers, and dark fantasy.
• However, I’m not comfortable with slashers, excessive gore, or any form of body harming in my roleplay.
Character Limits:
• I do not to engage in character deaths or body dismemberment involving my character.
Please know that I’m here to have fun and create engaging stories together, and I’m always open to discussion and collaboration to ensure everyone’s comfort and enjoyment. If you have any questions or ideas for roleplay, feel free to reach out.